공평성 선언
공평성 선언문
KAI는 고객을 대신하여 인증신청 조직이 해당 규격에 적합한지를 평가하고 보증하는 제3자 인증기관으로서, 사회적인 사명과 책임을 깊이 인식한다. 또한 KAI는 제3자 인증의 객관성을 보장함으로써 이해관계자의 신뢰를 제고하는데 최고의 가치를 둔다. 이에, 인증의 가치는 공평성과 전문성에 의해 보호될 수 있다는 확고한 믿음을 바탕으로 아래와 같은 방침으로 시스템을 수립하고 운영할 것을 다짐한다.
KAI shall take into consideration of social mission and responsibility as organization evaluating whether applicant organization's system confirms to applicable standard and ensure it, also KAI shall place best value on enhancing the reliability of interested parties by ensuring the objectiveness of third party certification. And so, KAI shall promise that KAI establish and operate the system as the following policy on the base of firm belief to protect the value of certification by impartiality and professionalism.
KAI shall take into consideration of social mission and responsibility as organization evaluating whether applicant organization's system confirms to applicable standard and ensure it, also KAI shall place best value on enhancing the reliability of interested parties by ensuring the objectiveness of third party certification. And so, KAI shall promise that KAI establish and operate the system as the following policy on the base of firm belief to protect the value of certification by impartiality and professionalism.
인증의 객관성이 훼손되지 않도록 이해상충에 대한 관리시스템을 수립하고 인증프로세스의 완전성을 위하여 끊임없이 노력한다.
KAI shall establish the management system of conflict so as not to violate the impartiality of certification and shall make an constant effort for completeness of certification processes.
KAI shall establish the management system of conflict so as not to violate the impartiality of certification and shall make an constant effort for completeness of certification processes.
인증심사 및 결정 과정에서 존재할 수 있는 내/외부의 영향을 파악하고 관리함으로써 균형있는 의사결정시스템을 구축하고 운영한다.
KAI shall identify the internal, external effect of to be existed in process of audit and decision of certification.
KAI shall identify the internal, external effect of to be existed in process of audit and decision of certification.
인증의 전문성 보장을 위해 검증된 인적자원의 육성과 활용을 통하여 모든 이해관계자가 신뢰할 수 있는 인증기관이 되도록 최선의 노력을 다한다.
KAI shall do its effort to be a certification body getting a reliability from all interested parties through the training and utilization of human resources to ensure the professionalism of certification.
KAI shall do its effort to be a certification body getting a reliability from all interested parties through the training and utilization of human resources to ensure the professionalism of certification.